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Welcome to the Culworth Branch website.


The Culworth Branch is one of ten branches of the Peterborough Diocesan Guild of Church Bell Ringers.


Culworth Branch have a branch practice once a month on the 3rd Saturday they also host an 8 bell practice where there is a 5th Saturday.


Please feel free to navigate the site for up to date news items, towers & other useful information for branch ringers and those interested in coming to us on an outing or to visit a practice night.


Please if you spot any issues with the website contact Nick Chatt or Geoff Stretton on the e-mail button below. Please also be aware this is a new site due to issues with the old one there may be teething problems.



© 2016 Culworth Branch. Proudly created by Nick Chatt with

Images taken from Google remain the intellectual property from which they originate.


Charity Number: 258271

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